Openstack Swift compared to Scaleway Object Storage

Openstack Swift
Scaleway Object Storage


Storage Features of Openstack Swift compared to Scaleway Object Storage
Openstack SwiftFeaturesScaleway Object Storage
Cloud based
GDPR Compliant
On premise
Open source
Versioned files
Cross Region Replication
S3 Compatible API
REST apiManagement interfacesPortal, REST api and multiple command line utilities
Event hooks/pubsub
5 GBMaximum object filesizeunlimited
Minimum object filesize
unlimited, with note that it’s not recommended to store more than ~1M, depending on hardware setup for the SQLite indexRecommended max file count per bucketunlimited
unlimitedMax filesize for a bucketunlimited
unlimitedMaximum amount of bucketsunlimited
Authentication / ACL
CDN integrationThe standard Storage Class claims to be sufficient to serve as CDN for your (streaming)content
Peering & interconnectScaleway has a large number of peering interfaces in Amsterdam, and is otherwise connected very well in Warsaw and Paris
Unsupported Paid Feature Supported Unknown


Openstack Swift

Openstack’s founders, Rackspace and NASA, have created this platform with (public) cloud in mind.

Openstack is completely opensource and freely availalble under the Apache License. Meaning, you’re free to spin up your own cloud using their software. Openstack’s storage solution (Swift) is pluggable to be s3 compatible.

Openstack has many providers offering up their hardware on the openstack IaaS layer. To name a few: Canonical’s Ubuntu Bootstack and TATA’s managed infra services

Openstack’s pluggability is where its true power lies. Its sourcecode is written in Python and actively maintained. They have many performance and security enhancements, as well as plugins ready to be installed.

Scaleway Object Storage

Scaleway, mostly known for its performance cloud computing brand, launched their Object Storage product some time in 2020. Although quite late, in comparison to other Cloud Compute platforms, they used their to time to release a quality product. Another cool feature is that Scaleway has full GDPR compatibility with their DCs in Paris, Amsterdam and Warsaw.

Their list of customers includes Adobe, Dailymotion, and Malwarebytes.