Scaleway Object Storage compared to G-Core Storage

Scaleway Object Storage
G-Core Storage


Storage Features of Scaleway Object Storage compared to G-Core Storage
Scaleway Object StorageFeaturesG-Core Storage
Cloud based
GDPR Compliant
On premise
Open source
Versioned files
Cross Region Replication
S3 Compatible API
Portal, REST api and multiple command line utilitiesManagement interfacesPortal, REST api
Event hooks/pubsub
unlimitedMaximum object filesizeNo physical limit, but files should be uploaded in segments of 5 GB
Minimum object filesize
unlimitedRecommended max file count per bucket10 million files per bucket recommended for best performace
unlimitedMax filesize for a bucket
unlimitedMaximum amount of buckets1000
Authentication / ACL
The standard Storage Class claims to be sufficient to serve as CDN for your (streaming)contentCDN integrationG-Core’s roots lie in CDN and networking, CDN remains their core product to this day. Their strong networking background, combined with a global presence, creates a great overall performance.
Scaleway has a large number of peering interfaces in Amsterdam, and is otherwise connected very well in Warsaw and ParisPeering & interconnectG-Core’s global public connectivity points are listed on PeeringDB
Unsupported Paid Feature Supported Unknown


Scaleway Object Storage

Scaleway, mostly known for its performance cloud computing brand, launched their Object Storage product some time in 2020. Although quite late, in comparison to other Cloud Compute platforms, they used their to time to release a quality product. Another cool feature is that Scaleway has full GDPR compatibility with their DCs in Paris, Amsterdam and Warsaw.

Their list of customers includes Adobe, Dailymotion, and Malwarebytes.

G-Core Storage

G-Core, once a spin-off of Wargaming, has evolved into a full blown hosting company. Initially, G-Core identified itself as a CDN company. But with the Edge Compute trend going on, our guess is that any CDN company will eventually become either a dedicated hosting or a dedicated compute company.

Wargaming specifically uses G-Core’s Storage solution. And we’re sure many other of G-Core’s hosting customers are also utilizing their storage.

The true strength of G-Core lies in its extensive network and their strong presence in Eastern European countries. Like Centurylink, CDN is the core of the company, so you can expect good performance/TTFB (Time to First Byte) on your assets.

G-Core’s in-portal access to support is a key feature. When dealing with problems, their support is fast and helpful.