Wasabi compared to Amazon S3

Amazon S3


Storage Features of Wasabi compared to Amazon S3
WasabiFeaturesAmazon S3
Cloud based
GDPR Compliant
On premise
Open source
Versioned files
Cross Region Replication
S3 Compatible API
Portal, CLI, REST apiManagement interfacesPortal, CLI, REST api
Event hooks/pubsub
Credits below 99.9%. That is 43 minutes of downtime allowed per month without having to issue creditsSLABest effort. Credits below 99.9%. That is 43 minutes of downtime allowed per month without having to issue credits
5 TBMaximum object filesize5 TB
Minimum object filesizeA 0 byte file has 8 KB of chargeable overhead for metadata.
100MRecommended max file count per bucketunlimited
unlimitedMax filesize for a bucketunlimited
1000Maximum amount of buckets500 - upgradable if you need it.
Wasabi has standardised on Amazon’s PreSigned URLAuthentication / ACLAmazon has designed their very own PreSigned URL mechanism which is now used globally across providers
Partnered with Cloudflare, Fastly and Limelight NetworksCDN integrationS3 integrates seamlessly into Amazon’s CloudFront CDN, as well as other CDNs
Wasabi and Packet was a deal made in heaven. Packet’s strong hardware and connection focus is a perfect match for Wasabi to leverage it’s connectivityPeering & interconnect
Unsupported Paid Feature Supported Unknown



Wasabi is a relatively new kid on the block in the storage space. However, don’t let that fool you. Wasabi has a very strong storage offering with a lot of features, bells, and whistles. Their storage pricing is what gives them a true edge over other providers. Their list pricing is 80% cheaper than Amazon S3’s storage, for example.

Customers of Wasabi include Kaleidoscope, 7Wonders Cinema and Novus Insight.

Wasabi has S3 compatibilty built into the storage interface.

Amazon S3

World’s biggest Cloud Storage Provider. Amazon, traditionally an online book store, has put a target on the cloud compute space when it shifted its focus to Amazon Web Services (AWS) in 2006. E-Commerce competition was tough, but public cloud companies back then were scarce, and usability and user friendly products were a long way from being invented.

Amazon’s reign on cloud computing has left its mark in public cloud-land. Competitors have trouble keeping up, if they even get to a point of feature-parity at all. With Amazon’s S3 storage being one of the first, it has basically dictated a standard for the public cloud’s blob storage protocol.

Needless to say, Amazon invented the S3 (Simple Storage Service) standard.